White Robes, Saffron Dreams
(2013, 44 mins, DV)

Ballo’s Tea Shop
(2010, 8 mins, DV)

Boys Show the Way
(2010, 8 mins, DV)

Ritu Suggests the Way
(2010, 9 mins, DV)

Schools Show the Way
(2010, 10 mins, DV)

Turning Life Around
(2008, 28 mins, DV)

Towards a Better Tomorrow
(2007, 28 mins, DV)

Age and Image - Understanding Ageing and Development
(2006, Interactive DVD Presentation)

Reaching for the Sky
(2006, 28 mins, DV)

Orange Alert
(2005, 28 mins, DV)

Young Hopes in Elderly Arms
(2003, 8 mins, DV)

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