Age and Image - Understanding Ageing and Development
(2006, Interactive DVD Presentation)
An interactive DVD for training television and video professionals in the Asia-Pacific region on the issue of older people and their concerns in the broadcast media.
The DVD looks at the concerns of older people and the media in the Asia-Pacific region through a 28 min. film, as well as interviews, presentations, statistics and other media resources on an interactive platform.
Divided into five sections the film examines who older people are and how they are represented in the media through television series, news and other programmes. It aims to investigate what the main concerns and priorities of the media are and where these are coming from. Who controls the media and how does this affect content? And most importantly how can we move towards change.
Written and Directed by: Teena Amrit Gill
Camera: Teena Amrit Gill
Editing: Shachindra Bisht
Interactive Media Design: Samrat Ray
Aditional inputs from: Workshop on Understanding Ageing & Development, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 2003
Produced for HelpAge International
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